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Meet some of our Speakers.(Just click on their picture to read a synopsis of their talk)
Roy Deveau
University of Kent
Practice Leadership & The "Eddy"
Dr. Gillian Nethell
Swansea Bay University Health Board
‘How we do it here!- Taking a different approach to working with people who challenge’
Julie Eshleman
OBM Consulting
Fun Fact: I grew up in Houston, Texas in the US!
Where does PBS start? The Long and Short of PBS in your Organisation
Dave Lewis, Samara Moore & Voke Okere
Turning Point
Fun Fact: I am often mistaken for Spidy from Coronation Street
The Impact of Positive Behaviour Support
Michael James
The Loddon School
Roll Camera Action - Being Creative with Green Screen Filming
Jenna Bartley
PALMS PBS Group: An Innovative Approach to Using PBS in the NHS
Damien 'Day' Wells
Mindfulness in Every Day Working Practice
James 'Jimmy' Ridley
Edge Hill University
RRN Training Standards - "Knowing the Standards"
Zoe Anderson
Salutem Group
Developing a Systematic PBS Approach in the CXo
Sam Corbett
The World of Preference Assessments and Rapport Building - A Skills Workshop
Hannah Anderson and Zan
Quality of Life
Jay Barter
Rescape (Virtual Reality)
Virtual Reality to help people with learning disabilities and ADHD
Peter Kinsey
Tai Chi
Luke Watts
Fun Fact: Is coming to terms with the fact that his 2 kids, Tamzin and Rio have realised that he is not cool... at all...
Managing in a PBS way (Fighting the BS)
Sophie Le & Erin Allen
EIS, NHS Trust
Fun Fact: This will be our first PBS festival - looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Supporting the Transforming Care cohort in the community and working in partnership for providers
Surrey PBS Coaches
Surrey PBS Coaching
Anne Laney, Nancy and Steve
Us in A Bus
Intensive Interaction and Working with People with Behaviours of Concern
Dr Andy Bamber, Lucy Gwillim and Dr James Bowler
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
Multi Agency Consultation - Team Formulation in Special Schools
The Pro-Active Community
How Collaboration Changed Our Lives
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